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Commercial Buildings – Cleaning and Painting Quality – Concrete Substrates

Original price was: $199.00.Current price is: $150.00.


Participants will achieve the listed learning objectives by reading each lesson/watching the videos and then completely a quiz at the end of each lesson and module to test your knowledge of the information presented.

Learning Objectives

  1. Identify building conditions that should be repaired in order for coatings to protect the walls from water intrusion.
  2. Identify methods used to determine the source(s) of moisture intrusion in buildings.
  3. Examine potential sealers and coatings for the protection of building walls.
  4. Determine how many times the walls of a building can be painted.
  5. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of various methods of surface preparation
  6. Identify the attributes of various methods of coating application
  7. Identify the instrumentation and methods used to determine the quality of cleaning and painting work
  8. Explain the use of testing equipment for examining the quality of cleaning and painting.
  9. Identify some of the processes used to analyze coating failures.